#11. Bergen to Amsterdam | Crew Arrives

July 19, 2024 | Arrival to Bergen
Hjelmås, Bergen

It is 7.50 on FALKEN in Bergen and most of the crew is already up. Coffee has been hot for almost an hour and the breakfast is served. I asked how they slept and one said, not really, its of new noises and some others, ‘I had a full night sleep, without the teenagers in the house, this has been so quite’. We have ‘quite time’until 8 am, crew can be up but be respectful of those who are sleeping still, at 8 I am tempted to jump in for a swim and last shower before taking off, and at 9 we will start the day. The plan is to move the boat (sail if there is wind) south to an anchorage and fuel up. The weather will dictate the departure.

A full crew of women arrived at 1 pm yesterday, this is one of our annual ‘All women’s passage’ with Nikki (Henderson) as skipper and me, Mia Karlsson as mate. After a short introduction and familization with the boat, we dove straight into safety briefings both below and on top, getting everyone familiar with the boat, running around finding all thru-hulls, fitting lifejackets. It’s a long list to go over. After a long day of prep, we all gathered in the cockpit for dinner, quinoa salad with salmon and tzatziki! First time I cooked salmon on this boat oven and I think I was pretty lucky, it turned out great :) Before we knew it it was 9.30 pm with the sun still high in the sky!

- Mia


#11. Bergen to Amsterdam | Heading Offshore


#11. Bergen to Amsterdam | Pre-Departure