Libby Haslam (USA) | 2024 | Portugal to Las Palmas
Mark and I signed up for a multi night sailing adventure, we didn’t realize that we would get a life altering week of utter delight. Alex and Mia established on atmosphere of trusting, loving community the second we boarded FALKEN. We still can’t believe how they trusted us with their beautiful boat, the crews lives, getting up at 2 am with excitement (every time) for our watch. We learnt about sailing, charting, trimming sails, working in teams with strangers. Jojo has endless knowledge that she eagerly shared with us.
The sailing was epic: in 5 days we went from an ocean that was a flat, sheet of glass to huge swells, “the breathing ocean” Mia called it. We ocean plunged in the middle of nowhere, saw unbelievable sun sets and rises, dolphins, whales.
We have been off the boat for 4 days now and are obsessed to go on another leg. What a week, 59 North, what a week!
Julie Macala (USA) | 2023 | Iceland Women's Passage
“Gathering with 10 other like-minded women aboard FALKEN was amazing! I learned more than i ever expected from Nikki and Emma. It was super inspiring to see how they ran the ship and how they interacted with each other and the rest of the crew. Being "allowed" to mess up and actually learn from your mistakes without anyone getting stressed was freeing! No matter your skill level, i'd recommend this trip to any women with a desire to sail.”
ALEX RAWSON (USA) | 2023 | Offshore Training Camp
“59 North runs the most professional offshore training program you can find, and it shows in their professionalism, leadership, skill, and service. Anyone considering stepping into the realms of offshore sailing should take a passage with 59 North first - trust me when I say you won't regret it.
I felt honored to be part of the maiden voyage of FALKEN, and wow did she deliver! The winds were strong, the sea was high, and FALKEN sailed through swimmingly. She's a beauty -- well done to the 59 North refit crew for doing an amazing job!
Shout out to Nikki Henderson (Captain) and Alex Laline (Mate), for such amazing leadership. I can't sing their praises enough - they were inspiring, knowledgeable, caring, and resourceful at all the times they needed to be. I can't imagine having a better experience with any other. Thanks, Nikki and Alex!”
Dennis Schell (USA) | 2015- | Many passages!
“I’m AKA Andy’s Dad, so my opinion of the skipper may be slanted a bit. Andy and I have shared many offshore miles together. I taught him the basics of seamanship and he ran with it and teaches me. I admit to being wrong on my initial reaction to FALKEN. At first sight she seemed like a hard to handle race boat. Wrong! While FALKEN can outperform and boat I’ve sailed on she is easy to handle and shrinks once you get used to her. The equipment is large and handles the tremendous loads with ease. The refit work done below is flawless. Comfortable bunks-great spacious galley and storage space for all gear in lockers! First mate Vilma did an outstanding job making sure the crew were well fed and comfortable. A trip with 59 North on any of their boats is truly a life changing experience. Highly recommended!”
Airlia Gustavson (USA) | 2023 | Antigua - Bermuda
“If you want to experience fantastic things, then you have to place yourself in fantastic situations. Helping to crew FALKEN was a truly life-altering adventure. Chris and Mia created a wonderfully safe space for us to experience our aspirations, test our limits, and grow by leaps and bounds all while experiencing the profoundness and beauty of the open ocean. It was a thrill to have two such accomplished sailors share their craft and the bonds that were made between crew members will last a lifetime. My sea legs are long gone but I still wear a smile thanks to both the sense of my own accomplishment as well as from the hours of shared laughter with those that made this trip transformational and transcendent.”
KARL WESTMAN (USA) | 2017- | Many Passages!
“It was an honor to be onboard FALKEN for her crewed maiden voyage. This was my third trip with 59 North and it did not disappoint. We sailed in challenging conditions on our 5 day romp in the English Channel. The crew rose to the occasion inspired by our skipper, Nikki and first mate, Alex. If you have the desire to experience real world offshore life under expert supervision with liked minded folks, look no further than 59 North. I look forward to my next trip. Hold fast.”
Kim Groff (USA) | 2023 | Antigua - Bermuda
“At the age of 65 I was a bit anxious about my first ocean passage from 'Antigua to Bermuda. We spent 7 days at sea in a variety of conditions including 20 to 30 knot winds, squalls and storms. 59 North provided a unique opportunity to experience the magic of passage making whole learning new skills. Mia Karlsson was inspiring, supportive, and encouraging while sailing FALKEN and cooking amazing meals for the crew. Captain Chris Kobusch brought a wealth of knowledge and experience with over 165,000 nautical miles at sea. This was truly the experience of a life time and one that I will always cherish.”
“My experience with 59 North molded me into a slightly different version of myself, in the most magical ways. I signed up for a passage with little to no sailing experience, lacking confidence in the basics, and I went home after 11 days with a more courageous yet humbled energy. ”
Susan Wareing (CAN) | 2023 | Bergen Offshore Training Camp
“ I can’t say enough good things about the camp, August, and Isbjorn. It was fabulous from start to finish (and the hot tub out in the middle of no where didn’t hurt 😁)The format is perfect for someone like me. I have done some sailing, but not enough to feel comfortable on a passage. Stopping each night in a different place and having dinner together and a full night’s sleep was great and much needed. The days were packed with so much learning. August is an amazing teacher and so patient! I learned an incredible amount and feel ready to take on a passage with 59 North. Highly recommend this camp to anyone considering an offshore passage.”
Matt Landry (CAN) | 2023 | Canada - Greenland - Iceland
“59 North made my dream come true to cross an ocean via sailboat, but it didn’t end there. Andy and Vilma taught me little lessons and big lessons of the sea, and they pushed me out of my comfort zone which is exactly what I was hoping for.
Thank you Andy and Mia for letting me, a rookie ocean sailor, live the experience of a lifetime and fueling future dreams. I hope to be crew on FALKEN once again and I hope to keep learning.
PS. thanks to all the crew mates of this grand adventure and to James the Sailor for having made the trip so memorable…”
Denise Whatley (USA) | 2023 | Portugal - Azores
“As this was my first major passage i wasn't sure what to expect. You have to have a lot of respect for people who choose offshore sailing for their profession. Life-changing and eye-opening to say the least. I feel I completed this adventure with the best of the best. Erik and Ben were top notch professionals and the my experience with 59 north was a great!”
Katy Freye (USA) | 2023 | Iceland Women's Passage
“Sailing with 59 North on their all-women's Iceland trip was an incredibly enriching experience. Nikki, Emma and the entire crew of strong and knowledgeable women empowered and inspired me. we, In fact, drew a crowd (of surprised men) at every dock. I could not be more grateful and proud to have had such a powerful experience!”
Christian McLaughlin (USA) | 2022 | Bermuda - Azores
“Before 59 North I didn't know my bowsprit from my binnacle. I suffered from low sailing esteem and a general lack of tide driven energy. After two weeks of 59 North, what a difference! I now know my sheepshank from my scuttlebutt, I'm more attractive to mermaids, and I have whiter teeth and a full head of hair.
But seriously, I wouldn't consider sailing with anyone but 59 North. As a longtime podcast listener I arrived for my Bermuda to Horta transatlantic with high expectations. They were all not just met but exceeded. I could not imagine a skipper and mate more professional and enthusiastic than Andy and Emma. I would need a lot more space to list all of the things I learned but suffice it to say, I'll be back!”
Kerri Bostwick (USA) | 2023 | Iceland Women's Passage
“Describing my experience on the all-women's passage in Iceland is a challenge because it was truly extraordinary. When i first embarked on this journey, my anxiety was soaring; I questioned my readiness, having never ventured beyond the familiar waters of the Chesapeake bay. However, from the moment i met Nikki and Emma, my worries dissipated. Their guidance and instruction were nothing short of incredible, and iIabsorbed a wealth of knowledge from them.
Collaborating with an all-female crew was not only inspiring but also exceptionally enjoyable. The on-board food (and tea time) was amazing, and our shared mealtimes and nightly debriefings with the crew added an extra layer of camaraderie and significance to the trip.
Looking ahead, I'm already eagerly anticipating my next voyage with 59 North. I deeply appreciate your organization's commitment to encouraging more women to embrace sailing. This experience has been truly amazing and life-changing. Thank you for making it all possible.”
“59º North are taking us out in the ocean and sharing its enormity, while at the same time shrinking what seems like a daunting task, and making going offshore an achievable and enjoyable reality.”
Rob Stassen (CAN) | 2019 | Key West - Bermuda
“Our voyage was interesting because both ISBJORN (which I was on) and ICEBEAR traveled the same route at roughly the same time.
I knew when I signed up that I would not be on a boat with Andy and Mia, but I wanted to experience the smaller boat, so I was fine with that. We had Matt Rutherford as our captain and Ben Doerr as first mate. The bonus was how chill and fun they both were throughout the trip. There were lots of fascinating stores, and they were both cheerful about answering questions and providing advice. The other 3 crew on my trip (Ted, Laz, and Chris) were great company too so I feel pretty lucky about that. But regarding Matt and Ben, it says a lot about Andy and Mia that they attract people of that quality to their business.
For me it was mission accomplished. I feel I got the experience I need with the ocean and Gulf Stream to pilot my own boat from Florida to Bermuda in the future, which was exactly my goal. I wouldn't tackle Bermuda on my own yet though. It's far! But one step at a time. For now, thanks to 59 North and all of their good people for a safe but true ocean adventure. If you are looking for blue water sailing experience and a fun adventure, I highly recommend that you sign up.”
Bec Clark (GBR) | 2022 | Marstrand - Portsmouth
“The trip delivered on all my expectations and more. I wanted to experience sailing beyond my current boundaries of mainly coastal sailing. I wanted to apply skills I already have and to learn more from those around me. And whilst sunshine, night watches by moon or star light, and dolphins are beautiful and were part of our passage story, so were gale force winds and ‘proper’ (5m) waves. I felt able to embrace the whole experience because we had an excellent 59 North team that shaped us into a great crew on a well-prepared boat. The team (Nikki, Emma, Mia) struck such a perfect balance. If you are seeking ocean wisdom you could not be in better hands. I’d go again in a heartbeat and can’t stop thinking about all the memories we made. Thank you is not adequate!”
David Hornbach (USA) | 2019- | Multiple Passages
“I have participated in 2 passages so far and have booked one for next year. This is the only team that I will pay to sail with, everyone is world class. I have learned during each of my trips and the team makes it thoroughly enjoyable. I have made lasting friendships and can’t wait to sail with them again. When you sail with them you become part of the team. Join the team!”
Marina Steele (CAN) | 2022 | Marstrand - Portsmouth
“In the 11 days we spent on the North Sea, with a crew of 9 women, 59 feet of boat, 1350nm and two episodes of heaving-to, we amassed the kind of experience it might take many years to acquire on our own. Each one of us was given just the right mentorship, leadership, training and kindness to become better sailors by leaps and bounds. Every step of the way, we laughed, learned and discovered what we were made of.
If you want to leave land behind and sail oceans, you owe yourself the opportunity to get the training with those who have lived and breathed it the way the crew at 59 North have done. Every passage they have completed is a legacy of knowledge that we benefit from. Having the chance to share this experience with other sailors from around the world was a pure joy as we doubled up on ideas, solutions and worked together as a team. How often do you get to come home with extraordinary experiences, well-honed skills and some lifelong friends? You owe this to yourself. Go for it!”
Chris Arias (USA) | 2021 | England - Portugal
“I really didn’t know what to expect on my trip. I knew it was going to be about 800 miles, I knew the Bay of Biscay is notoriously challenging, and there was a remote possibility that we could get attacked by orcas. Thankfully we did not get attacked, but the Bay of Biscay did not disappoint, and we logged more than 1,000 miles. Each of my watches was a new and different experience, from keeping a close eye on ship traffic in the night to maintaining course beating into 12-foot seas and 25 knots of wind. Our skipper and mate, Nikki Henderson and Emma Garschagen, far exceeded any expectation I had. Each salty spray in their face and bucking sail change was met with smiles and infectious positive energy. At no time did I ever feel unsafe, which allowed me the space to fully take in every experience without any reservations. I learned a ton, had a great time and left with a new sense of confidence that I never expected.”
Meg Arnold (USA) | 2021 & 2022 | Multiple Passages
“I signed up for this passage hoping to spend an extended period offshore, learn new skills and increase my competencies and confidence, sail in challenging wind and seas, and sail with amazing crew mates -- and this passage completely exceeded my expectations. The 59 North team brings impressive skill, experience, wisdom and FUN to each passage and crew, which is a huge part of why I returned for this second passage in twelve months. I recommend 59N to all of my sailing friends who want to learn about offshore passage-making in a thorough and hands-on way from true professionals.”
“Learning, camaraderie, time to soul-search, as well action packed adventures… nothing beats a piping-hot cup of fresh-brewed coffee while helming an amazing, pedigree yacht, in the cold Norwegian Atlantic. It rocks! Thank you 59° North!”
Kate Helmuth (USA) | 2022 | Marstrand - England
“When I think back to my trip across the North Sea on ICEBEAR, the memories I reflect upon uplift me, and fill my being with warmth and gratitude. SO much laughter, learning, and sailing.. with a dash of cookies on those late night shifts. Unplugging from the corporate world and embracing the beauty the ocean has to offer.. it doesn’t get much better than that. Not to mention meeting 5-7 strangers from across the world who share that mutual desire.
My experience with 59 North molded me into a slightly different version of myself, in the most magical ways. I signed up for a passage with little to no sailing experience, lacking confidence in the basics, and I went home after 11 days with a more courageous yet humbled energy.
This opportunity allowed me to grow on an individual level, and realize how capable and excited I am to take on new challenges. Helming the boat in the wee hours of night with 4 meter waves took some adjusting, but I was able to overcome my instant sense of fear and trust myself.
I can’t promise all the same experiences I had, but I can promise that the 59 crew will eloquently teach you how to handle any challenge thrown your way at sea. From safety briefs to preparing delicious dinners from scratch and SO much more, this crew really drives the most exceptional and balanced offshore opportunity.
Nikki, Mia, and Emma - Thank you for doing an outstanding job at making me feel safe and empowered to ask all the questions and learn new things.”
Paul de la Iglesias (USA) | 2019 | Caribbean 600 Race
“Andy & Paul were amazing from the practice sails to the race itself; I never thought I'd be able to participate in such an exciting event, thank you. I'd also like to thank Liz & Lee, your first mates, who were always on hand to encourage us, teach us, and swap stories. I came away with tremendous respect for Isbjorn, her captain, and the excellent crew she attracts. I learned more and had more fun in those racing days than I'd ever thought possible. I'm definitely coming back.”
“I came home a better sailor armed with a sense that heading offshore in my own boat was not only possible but, with prudence and adequate preparation, doable.”