JoJo Pickering JoJo Pickering

#10. Ireland to Norway | Arrival

Our last day all together on FALKEN. Time to arrive in the big city of Bergen. We slipped the lines and motored up the fjord while eating a leisurely breakfast. The crew taking it in turns to pack their bags and clean their bunks ready for departure. 

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JoJo Pickering JoJo Pickering

#10. Ireland to Norway | End of Passage

Some of us slept really well at anchor, others found the silence too quiet, some of us were still waking up every 4 hours for our watches. In the morning we found ourselves anchored in a beautiful calm location. After a breakfast in the cockpit, the planes started to land. We were in the flight path of Bergen airport!

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JoJo Pickering JoJo Pickering

#10. Ireland to Norway | Day 6

What a wet, wet night it was as we sped through the nimbo stratus in force 6, then the winds slowly decreasing. The slamming stopped and we sped through the North Sea on a smoother ride. Unfortunately the wind slowed and reduced to nothing in the morning and we were motoring in fog. What a contrast

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JoJo Pickering JoJo Pickering

#10. Ireland to Norway | Day 5

Baptism of the North SWhat a different day! As we made our way towards the Fair Isle Channel we went from full sail to three reefs in the sail and staysail. We arrived just at the right moment for the tide to be favourable and the wind backed north as predicted to allow us to reach through the channel comfortably in building seas.

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JoJo Pickering JoJo Pickering

#10. Ireland to Norway | Day 4

Yesterday we sailed north beyond 59N to just over 60N before changing course towards the Fair Isle Channel between Orkney and Shetland. This was so that we could get a good tack through the channel. Sadly for us this is a windward trip all the way so far. Maybe we will have a reach across the North Sea? If we ask Neptune kindly?

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JoJo Pickering JoJo Pickering

#10. Ireland to Norway | Day 3

Last night we had a stunning sail through a patch of rain clouds and managed to dodge them all. As Port watch handed over, their instructions were  to ‘keep the speed, chase the rain clouds, try and beat their speed record of ...

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JoJo Pickering JoJo Pickering

#10. Ireland to Norway | Day 2

Today has been warm and sunny and we have had some great sailing conditions. Some call it’s champagne sailing! Falken slips through the water with ease under full sail close reaching over a beautiful sea that I call the ocean plains. Sea birds are flying in company with us and the day ended with a beautiful sunset.

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JoJo Pickering JoJo Pickering

#10. Ireland to Norway | Day 1

We had the most beautiful evening sail into the long lasting sunset with dolphins joining us and Falken sailing well with staysail and three reefs in the main in 25-29kts of wind through the Aran islands and out into the Atlantic Ocean.

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JoJo Pickering JoJo Pickering

#10. Ireland to Norway| Pre-Departure

We have had a busy few days preparing Falken for her next trip from Galway Ireland to Bergen in Norway. This included a deck wash and filling the water tanks from a fire hydrant. Then to fill the tanks with diesel a lovely man arrived in little fuel lorry with tales of fishing under sail. The welcome here in Ireland has been wonderful.

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Chris Kobusch Chris Kobusch

#9. Azores to Ireland | Post-passage

We approached the channels between the Aran islands in the early morning hours and pushed on to make the lock to Galway harbor that only opens from 2 hours before high water to high water.

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59º North Crew 59º North Crew

#9. Azores to Ireland | Day 8

First, what can I say about Chris, Manot, and Athena? They are quite literally the best sailors I have ever had the opportunity to learn from. They are also wonderful humans who have demonstrated endless patience and leadership for the entire crew

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Manot Berger Manot Berger

#9. Azores to Ireland | Day 7

The fog is still all around us, white, thick at times, clearer sometimes, and gone rarely. It is a funny feeling sailing “blind”. Especially with 10+ knots of boat speed.

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59º North Apprentice 59º North Apprentice

#9. Azores to Ireland | Day 6

Today the crew was greeted with a variety of weather as we are sailing on the outskirts of a low pressure zone. The morning was filled with a thick cool fog and calm seas until 0902 UTC when the swell began to pick up again.

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Chris Kobusch Chris Kobusch

#9. Azores to Ireland | Day 5

With 550nm to go and 700nm already sailed we are well past the halfway point. Going by the weather forecast we should have a good downwind run almost all the way in and reach the Aran Islands late on the 24th.

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Manot Berger Manot Berger

#9. Azores to Ireland | Day 4

What has been remarkable on this leg particularly is the abundance of wildlife around us. It has been said in previous blogs, but as we saw a group of whales (that we still are trying to identify) very close by yesterday, I’ll mention it again. It remains one of the most beautiful and impressive things I have been given to see.

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59º North Apprentice 59º North Apprentice

#9. Azores to Ireland | Day 3

With Chris’s lead the crew was able to get the spinnaker pole up, and set the sails wing-on-wing. The crew made quick work with setting the pole and all smiles once the Yankee sail was trimmed.

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Chris Kobusch Chris Kobusch

#9. Azores to Ireland | Day 2

So far the forecast has been spot on. We had a very pleasant sail to start with: 12 knots true on a flattish sea with just a 15 degree heel. this afternoon we started motoring, but should find wind again later tonight. This gave everyone time to find their sea legs and to get used to helming and sailing on Falken.

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Manot Berger Manot Berger

#9. Azores to Ireland | Day 1

We are sailing! Some of the brightest smiles that I have seen, were from people taking the helm of a cool boat like FALKEN for the first time. And today was no exception, all the time spent waiting for this day to arrive after first making the plans, all the excitement, maybe a bit of nerves, then realizing how easy it is to steer, the power, the speed, yet feels so light… bright smiles!

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59º North Apprentice 59º North Apprentice

#9. Azores to Ireland | pre-departure day 2

As we are waiting for the Northerly winds the crew has been working on line handling this morning. The crew has successfully set both the tri sail, storm jib, and the spinnaker pole on the dock.

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Chris Kobusch Chris Kobusch

#9. Azores to ireland | pre-departure

This afternoon we discussed the weather forecast and the crew started working on our passage plan and pilotages out of Ponta Delgada and into Galway, with a potential stop in the Aran Islands. The weather forecast shows fresh Northerly winds on Monday, so we might delay our departure until Tuesday to have a slightly easier start into the trip

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