#11. Bergen to Amsterdam | Through the North Sea
Monday July 22, 2024 08.15 Local Time | Day 2 At Sea
55º 57’ N / 002º 45’ E
What a difference 24 hours can be. The first 24 hrs were pretty busy to say the least, but yesterday the wind eased off and by the mid-day we were sailing downwind and the preventer was rigged on the main. One by one, the crew started to get color back in their face.
We are having a rolling watch round the clock, crew are in pairs of two, and there is always 4 crew on deck, two pairs, while two pairs are sleeping. Every 2 hours, a new pair comes up, 4 hours on, 4 hours off.
Yesterday afternoon, Nikki made an amazing dal (curry) and we had everyone up on deck for the first time since we left Bergen. Having a hot meal by the end of the day really lifts the moral and even if people didn’t think they were hungry, they went for seconds! Tonight on the menu is a ginger curry, fingers crossed the galley is not going to heel too much.
We have had very little wildlife, or maybe we have been too busy sailing the boat and swapping buckets to look for any ;) A couple birds are circling the boat, but that’s pretty much it. Last night, we were dodging oil rigs and at one point we had 11 of them in sight. We got called up on the radio from a gentlemen telling us to keep 2 nm clear of any rig. The depth at the moment is only 86 meters!
All good onboard, Anne is at the helm, with Rachel and Jamie up on deck. Katie is washing up the mugs from this morning while the rest of the crew is off watch and sleeping in their bunks.
That’s it from us on FALKEN!
— Mia