#1. ADRIENNE | ST. MAARTEN TO Gran Canaria | DAY 17

February 25, Day 17 | Life on the Heel is Real

And so we embark on our final leg of the voyage, just as we began…….Adrienne is looking her finest, dressed in a double-reefed main and the staysail holding strong, constantly drenched in saltwater and driving hard!

Once again, we are close-hauled against the trades. Class 3 whitewater waves cover her deck every 50 waves or so, keeping things fun and exciting. Both above and below decks, whether simply traversing around the helm, or negotiating the head, logistical contemplation is essential; no different than planning the first series of hop turns skiing down a steep couloir. A walk to the galley, with Adrienne at full heel is an adventure in itself, not to mention companionway stairs and helming.

Some say they are ready to go back to “real life”. Some of us agree to disagree; this is as real as life gets. In the next 24 hours, we will catch our first glimpse of the Canaries; Bernard Mortessier felt love at first sight when he did so via celestial navigation in the 1960’s. Our crew is weathered, exhausted, and strong. We have cared for and supported one another beyond comprehension. Adrienne continues to charge, and only wants more sailing. She is a remarkable vessel.

Mahalo Captain Erik, and first mate Tim; You have empowered Your crew to safely navigate squalls, to catch glimpses of sleep whenever possible, and to helm Adrienne in the fashion that suits her….. The long tack to round La Palma is in process- Adrienne will be hauled out, and set up with a new outfit for her next voyage across the sea.

//Ryan Redmond, Crew


#4. FALKEN | Colombia to Panama | Crew Arrival


#1. ADRIENNE | ST. MAARTEN TO Gran Canaria | DAY 16