#4. FALKEN | Colombia to Panama | Crew Arrival

February 26, 2025 | Prep-days in Cartagena

One might have thought that Cartagena would stand in stark contrast to the thrilling last few hours of our previous passage, providing us with calm and serenity after somewhat of a wild ride. But that would have been a vast underestimating of the exciting city that is Cartagena. Indeed, already as we approaching the Harbour, we were overtaken left and right by what one could only describe as party boats. Loud music converging from different boats, crowds, small and large, dancing on the foredecks, twerking on the bow, raising glasses, scyscrapers and a sunset in the background.

After tying up on the outermost birth of our fingerpontoon, and getting ready to raise our own glasses to our passage, it soon became apparent that there was no such thing as a no-wake zone around here. So much so that in the busy hours of the day we are experiencing a seastate that can only be described as smooth to, yes, slight.

Walking on the floating pontoons becomes a real act of balance at these times. The occasional slap on Falken's stern from the bigger wakes make the whole boat shudder, and are usually met by some loud Ooh and Aahs, followed by some sailor's jargon, emanating from the bow, where Adam has been working on replacing our windlass motor.

Adam arrived on Falken on Saturday morning, with a few important missions in mind. First of all, we had to replace our windlass motor, an essential piece of kit that we will need for cruising and anchoring around the San Blas islands. Maintaining a boat to the highest standards in distant locations, sometimes requires a real group effort. In this case two crew members gracefully accepted to each travel with a separate windlass motor, weighting no less that 20 kg. Big thanks to Susan and Håkan whithout whom we'd have to operate our big chunk of steel at the bow manually. Of course let's not forget Adam, it has been a joy watching him take care of his baby, Falken.

After a few days of maintenance, passage planning and provisionning, our new crew finally arrived on the boat yesterday early afternoon. It must have been the hottest day for us in Colombia so far, as we were slowly working our way through our different pre-departure briefings. The evening always provides us, if not with fresh temperatures, at least with slightly cooler temperatures, which we enjoyed thoroughly, going out for dinner in the old town.

And as we are today going through all of our remaining safety briefs and POB training, I feel that everyone is getting ready to head out to the fresher air of the open sea tomorrow, first thing in the morning.

- Manot, FALKEN’s mate


#1. ADRIENNE | ST. MAARTEN TO Gran Canaria | DAY 18 Land Ho!


#1. ADRIENNE | ST. MAARTEN TO Gran Canaria | DAY 17