#1. ADRIENNE | ST. MAARTEN TO Gran Canaria | DAY 7 Weather Update
February 15, Day 7 | ‘Bonus’ weather blog — Balancing between Highs and Lows;
Sailing across an ocean normally requires a bit of slaloming; you’re likely to abandon your great circle route searching for more favorable conditions.
This specific passage with ADRIENNE from Sint Maarten to the Canaries is no different. This is NOT a route where we simply can follow the great circle route.
While drawing a straight line from Sint Maarten to Gran Canaria we end up with two very different weather patterns on either side of this line. To the south we find the NE’ly trade winds. This is where you want to be, sailing from the Canaries to the Caribbean to enjoy a nice downwind passage. ADRIENNE is heading the opposite direction. As much as I love upwind sailing, I’m afraid that 3 weeks of it, in 25+ knots of wind wouldn’t necessarily improve the morale onboard.
The other option is to go north of this line. On that side we find the semi stationary ‘Azores High’, also known as the Horse latitudes. Known to sailors as an area of No wind. And a burning sun. A place where you can be stuck for days on end, perhaps even weeks. If you don’t have an engine that is. Luckily we have one onboard ADRIENNE. But we are sailors! not here to be motoring.
So it stands between a bone breaking upwind or no wind at all? Well, there is a joker involved.
At this time of the year, the northern hemisphere winter that is, deep Low pressures regularly form further north in the Atlantic. From time to time the Cold fronts connected to these Lows stretch far enough south to disturb the Azores High, bringing W’ly winds right down into the Horse latitudes.
We have been monitoring the weather closely since leaving Sint Maarten keeping our fingers crossed that such a Low would be forming. For that reason our course has been very much N’ly up until now. We really haven’t gained much distance at all towards our next port of call. Instead we have invested our miles sailed to move north, to reach ‘The Low’ which hopefully would give ADRIENNE a good push towards Gran Canaria.
And we got it!
As I’m writing this, a cold front has just passed by. Some beautiful squalls gave ADRIENNE and her Crew a healthy shower. And now we’re pointing directly towards Gran Canaria in winds from astern. During the last hour we averaged over 11 knots.
The routing tells us we have approximately 13 days before landfall. We still have a lot of slaloming to do until then. New Highs and developing Lows are on the horizon. But for the time being, ADRIENNE is very happy. And so are the crew!
-Erik, Skipper onboard ADRIENNE.