#9. Azores to Ireland | Day 7

June 24 2024 | 1300 UTC

The fog is still all around us, white, thick at times, clearer sometimes, and gone rarely. It is a funny feeling sailing “blind”. Especially with 10+ knots of boat speed. I have spent hours by now, staring out into the white fuzz, looking at the waves emerge from it, and disappear into it again…  And although we might not have a clear sight of land when we arrive, it seems we are living the full Irish experience already.

Last night has been a thrilling sail, winds picking up, waves building to what became the most challenging helming conditions yet. It was very nice to witness all that has been learned over the week applied in those conditions.

As I am looking up at the log, I see 1158nm, a reminder that we are to arrive soon. Indeed, we have started to talk about the tides of the day, planning for our passage through the sound. Which seems to coincide with the passage of a cold front, this passage is going to be exciting all the way to the end.

- Manot


#9. Azores to Ireland | Day 8


#9. Azores to Ireland | Day 6