#9. Azores to Ireland | Day 8

June 25 2024 | 07:30 UTC

As we wait to check in at the Port of Galway, I finally have a minute to reflect on this epic adventure. First, what can I say about Chris, Manot, and Athena? They are quite literally the best sailors I have ever had the opportunity to learn from. They are also wonderful humans who have demonstrated endless patience and leadership for the entire crew, all while creating a culture of community for us—a group of strangers from all over the world with varying degrees of sailing skill and experience.

For me, I will hold close the memories of our nightly crew dinners in the cockpit—someone always sacrificing hot food to stay on the helm—while we shared our “glums and glows” of the day. The “glows” to focus our attention on good things and gratitude — helping to reset us after days and days of no more than a few hours of sleep around-the-clock, biting cold weather, anxiety producing dense fog, sore and dis-regulated bodies, heavy sea swells, and way too “spicy” sailing. Each day I heard “glows” about Manot’s focaccia, sightings of whales and dolphins, spectacular cloud formations, the indigo color of the sea, good sleep in cozy hammocks, Athena’s warm yummy pesto, finally mastering the complicated life jackets, favorable weather and wind, Chris’ patience with our ongoing and repeated mistakes, countless speed records, previously unimaginable achievements on the helm (mine), etc. etc. The “glows” list grew long and each day we became a tighter knit crew united in helping each other while we sailed FALKEN to Ireland.

As we end this final chapter of our voyage, I have no words to adequately express my “glows” so I will keep it simple,

With my deepest gratitude always,

- Raquel

(FALKEN Crew—Azores to Galway ‘24)


#9. Azores to Ireland | Post-passage


#9. Azores to Ireland | Day 7