#7. Bermuda to Azores | Day 11

June 5, 2024 | 13:30 UTC

Yesterday at 1800, exactly as forecast, the wind filled in from the NE. We put Falken on a port tack, unfurled the Jib, stopped the engine and sailed in a gentle breeze on a close hault course. Dead on course to a Waypoint a few miles South of the Capelinhos lighthouse on the most Western point of Faial.

The sky cleared just before darkness fell and the crew had a final night to steer by the stars. Falken slipped along silently on an inky ocean and we slowly caught up with the last few boats of the ARC Europe who had left Bermuda four days before us. By the time the sun came over the horizon, Faial was in sight and we had passed several of the ARC yachts. Behind Faial, the towering Volcano of Pico dominated the background - a truly magnificent sight after almost 2000nm at sea. As we rounded the island to the South the wind died, only to come back with full velocity as we entered the channel between the two islands.

We dropped the mainsail just outside the busy harbor and made our way in. With the whole ARC fleet present, there was no pontoon space, nor was there barely any space behind the protected breakwater. With no other option we anchored near the harbor entrance in about 10m depth. With a fresh to strong breeze and a slight swell running directly into the harbor we paid out 55 meters of chain plus the snubber. With Falken sitting securely at anchor we relaxed in the cockpit with a glass of Prosecco and celebrated a successful voyage. 11 days at sea and 1989nm sailed.

- Chris


#9. Azores to ireland | pre-departure


#7. Bermuda to Azores | Day 10