#7. Bermuda to Azores | Day 10

June 4, 2024 | 16:30 UTC

The last 20 hours have been underlined by the low hum of FALKEN’s engine. In the end, our luck ran up, as we caught up with that no wind zone that we had been expecting to get at any moment for a few days now. This night will be our last night at sea, we are expecting to make landfall in Horta some time tomorrow afternoon. The excitement is again palpable, as I think everyone is looking forward to a nice little stroll, a warm shower and a fresh beverage somewhere surrounded by those earthy things… plants, stones, soil…

But for now, we have this last day and night to take it all in. The big blue, all around us, water and sky. We have had some fabulous nights on this crossing, dark skies, allowing us to see the milky way in great detail. Along with many nebulae, star clusters, galaxies (all visible by naked eye), and of course, thousands of satellites, which make the sky feel strangely futuristic compared to the skies of my childhood.

FALKEN, gliding effortlessly from one continent to another, under a hyper modern space age night sky, using “millennium” old technology. Seems to me like we are exactly at the right place at the right time.

- Manot


#7. Bermuda to Azores | Day 11


#7. Bermuda to Azores | Day 9