#10. Ireland to Norway | End of Passage

July 11, 2024 | Day 6 At Sea | End of trip clean up

Day 10 - 12  July 2024

Some of us slept really well at anchor, others found the silence too quiet, some of us were still waking up every 4 hours for our watches. 

In the morning we found ourselves anchored  in a beautiful calm location. After a breakfast in the cockpit, the planes started to land. We were in the flight path of Bergen airport! We were here to clear in with customs. It was entertaining to watch the plane flying so low above us. 

After a leisurely breakfast, and a quick swim, we moved Falken to the Pontoon at Hjellestadt Havn just across the bay. Walking towards her along the pontoon reminded us all what a big boat she is, she was towering above every other boat in the marina. Somehow at sea we had forgotten how big she was. 

Once on the pontoon we started to give Falken a deep clean, from the bilges to the rigging. The crew worked really hard and soon Falken was spick and span again. Such a fabulous way to say thank you to this beautiful boat for looking after us on this amazing trip.

After lunch 5 of us had to get a taxi to the nearby airport to clear customs and get our passports stamped. This was a bit of a culture shock, to be on land (which was partly swaying), and a reminded that real life was still going on unchanged. It’s always hard to readjust to land after an offshore passage. 

Then we had showers! That is always a treat to finally wash off all the salt water and to feel clean again. We ended the day with a meal out in the marina restaurant with a view over looking Falken and another beautiful sunset

- Jojo Pickering


#10. Ireland to Norway | Arrival


#10. Ireland to Norway | Day 6