#10. Ireland to Norway | Day 2

July 7, 2024 | Day 2 At Sea | At sea getting into the rhythm 

Today has been warm and sunny and we have had some great sailing conditions. Some call it’s champagne sailing! Falken slips through the water with ease under full sail close reaching over a beautiful sea that I call the ocean plains. Sea birds are flying in company with us and the day ended with a beautiful sunset.

This is why we go sailing, for these special days. 

The crew are all getting over their seasickness and everyone was able to enjoy the day. Before the sun was too low we got the sextant out and had a go at taking sun sights. Then we talked about what that means and how we use the measurement of the suns altitude. We hope to do more tomorrow.

We ended the day with a round up of the trip so far. It was a great opportunity to share what was happening on our off watches. Has it really only been two days? Glums and glows with lots of laughter. 

When you are sailing time seems to have a different dimension the days roll into one and time is marked by the changing of the watch and the hourly log.

- Jojo Pickering


#10. Ireland to Norway | Day 3


#10. Ireland to Norway | Day 1