#10. Ireland to Norway | Day 3

July 8, 2024 | Day 3 At Sea | The Outer Hebrides

Last night we had a stunning sail through a patch of rain clouds and managed to dodge them all. As Port watch handed over, their instructions were  to ‘keep the speed,chase the rain clouds, try and beat their speed record of 10.2kts and keep your fingers off the engine buttons!’. Sadly the wind died shorty after this and we did have to start motoring.

We made the most of the day of calms by motoring close to west coast of the stunning outer Hebrides. This positioned us well for when the wind returned but it also tempting the crew to mutiny as the draw of Scottish whisky was discussed.

The area was teaming with wildlife and we all saw lots of Puffins! They are such beautiful and comic birds, and a bit scared of Falken so quickly dived as we pass. The team saw many seals, some dolphins and the scenery was amazing.

The sun was out and we managed to spend a few hours on deck without oilskins. We even got the sextant out and everyone had a go at taking a sight.
The wind came back in the evening and we are now having a memorable sail in the long midnight sun. It doesn’t get dark any more!

- Jojo Pickering


#10. Ireland to Norway | Day 4


#10. Ireland to Norway | Day 2