#10. Ireland to Norway | Day 5

July 9, 2024 | Day 4 At Sea | Baptism of the North Sea

What a different day! 

As we made our way towards the Fair Isle Channel we went from full sail to three reefs in the sail and staysail. We arrived just at the right moment for the tide to be favourable and the wind backed north as predicted to allow us to reach through the channel comfortably in building seas. 

Then the weather closed in. Gone was the sunshine and amazing light replaced by grey seas and grey murky sky with drizzle. Neptune’s little game of baptism in the North Sea. 

As we cleared the channel the wind increased and we sailed like a freight train towards Norway on a close reach. With hoots of laughter from the on watch team as they experienced some exhilarating heavy weather sailing. The confused seas in the channel slowly became more organised as we cleared the channel and headed across the North Sea making for a more comfortable ride. 

Dinner was a mission to prepare in these challenging conditions but it was still special to come together and eat and see how everyone was feeling. 

The drizzle changed to rain as we sailed straight into the low.

We were in for a wet night!

- Jojo Pickering


#10. Ireland to Norway | Day 6


#10. Ireland to Norway | Day 4