#10. Ireland to Norway | Day 4

July 9, 2024 | Day 4 At Sea | Passing 59º North

Yesterday we sailed north beyond 59N to just over 60N before changing course towards the Fair Isle Channel between Orkney and Shetland.  This was so that we could get a good tack through the channel. Sadly for us this is a windward trip all the way so far. Maybe we will have a reach across the North Sea? If we ask Neptune kindly?

There has been much talk about tides, planning and calculations to assess the tide going through the channel. But at the end of the day we will arrive when we arrive and we can’t change that. We have also been following the grid files closely, strong winds are forecast for our final few days crossing the North Sea. Let’s hope that this does not turn into a gale. 

On a more domestic note cooking has been a theme of this trip with the crew cooking yummy breakfasts and lunches for their watches. We have eaten 8 dozen eggs! Not to forget Manot’s amazing bread and brownies. 

The crew are now experienced at reducing sail and manoeuvres are going smoothly. It’s amazing to think back to our departure from Galway and everyone struggling to learn the ropes of this new boat. 

On a personal note it is so good to be back at sea. We are only just getting into the rhythm, it going to come to and end far too soon. Can we just keep on going please?

Before crew look forward to making landfall in Norway we have one more challenge to cross the North Sea to Norway. Let’s hope we have fair winds. 

- Jojo Pickering


#10. Ireland to Norway | Day 5


#10. Ireland to Norway | Day 3