#15. Plymouth to Lagos | coffee

October 4, 2024, 20:30 UTC | Coffee

Well, there was a close call today when it seemed we were running short of coffee. Our U.S. contingent were looking a little worried for a while until we were able to establish a strategy to ration the next 60 hours ahead of our arrival. Being a Brit, I have to say I was quite relieved to see a healthy stash of Yorkshire T-bags still, but I'm wary that we may have some converters in the coming day.

Well, we passed Finisterre and a southerly breeze sent us off on a South Westerly heading which turned out to be the perfect pre-cursor to the South westerly that we are now experiencing and we can make a direct rhumb line course to our destination.

With a reef in the main, a Yankee, and a staysail, we are close-reaching at over 8 knots over the ground.

The threat of a coffee shortage is a great motivator it would seem as the promise of making port grows ever closer.........

- Emily


#15. Plymouth to Lagos | day 5


#15. Plymouth to Lagos | day 3