#7. Bermuda to Azores | Day 6

May 31, 2024 | 1745 UTC

The weather has been shifty as we pass through a low today. We were greeted this morning with light winds and gybed on to a port tack to maintain our course. Rain quickly followed suite and ended around 1400 pm. FALKEN has maintained a steady pace of 8.6 speed over ground the last sixteen hours as we sail through to 1157 nautical miles. It has been bittersweet with completing the halfway mark to Horta yesterday. The crew had a celebration thanks to Manot for making ice cream for dessert. As we continue on our transit it’s becoming more difficult to find ‘glums’, even with this grey weather the crew has been positive and full of laughter. The one thing that has grown on me through sailing is the connections you create with people through these experiences. There is a tendency to forget time, and the days just blur into moments. These moments and challenges you are faced without here can create friendships you wouldn’t expect. It has been wonderful getting to know everyone here and watch them flourish in this environment.



#7. Bermuda to Azores | Day 7


#7. Bermuda to Azores | Day 5