#7. Bermuda to Azores | Day 7

June 1, 2024 | 1857 UTC

Our last few weather forecasts have been uncertain. As we are getting closer to the Azores, we have been monitoring a shallow low, that keeps shifting in unpredictable ways from day to day, with a center originally predicted east of the Azores by the time of our arrival, it is now predicted to be west of the islands, seemingly at our exact latitude. This means that a big no wind zone could lie just ahead of us. Our point of sail for the next few days will now depend on the movement of that center. If it stays as predicted we might have to motor for a while, if it moves north by just a few miles we could have some favorable westerlies, but if it moves south, we might end up beating up wind for some time. And as of the time that I am writing this, we have good wind from the NNE, which indicates that we are in the northwestern quadrant at the moment. We will keep a close eye on the evolution of that system, as our ETA in Horta will depend on it, as well as our comfort onboard.

In another department, there has been a strong desire to see wildlife, and so far we have seen dolphins on multiple occasions, birds regularly, electric dolphins once (dolphins in bioluminescent algae). But yesterday definitely stood out as we were visited by a small group of whales just before sunset. A humbling few minutes, observing each other, before they disappeared again in the distance. 

- Manot


#7. Bermuda to Azores | Day 9


#7. Bermuda to Azores | Day 6