#2. las palmas to antigua| jeannette “the brave”

January 26, 2025, 10:32 UTC | 08:33 Ship’s Time | 20° 28.241’N / 039°15.961’W | Jeannette “The Brave”

I can’t believe it has already been 9 days from this exploring adventure.  I truly believe Mother Nature gives you what you need at the time that you need it. And right now I feel that this epic journey was meant to come in my path. (Of course with a little help of my husband Arjan that got it in my path).
Our dear Brandon has already introduced all of our crew and he named me Jeannette ‘the Brave” turning fears into memories. And this can’t be more accurate because that is exactly how it feels for me.  I have been wandering quite a long time what offshore sailing is for me, is it my dream or is it a nightmare? Am I made for this or I just want to want this? Can I handle THE ocean?

And Mother Nature has been giving me exactly what I’ve been needing, from temporarily blindness (literally 72 hours without being able to see sharply and unable to read due to a secondary effect of my Scopolamine patch against seasickness) I think maybe that was meant for me to assimilate this journey easily and to stop literally watching and looking at every possible risk before leaving Las Palmas.
Then Nature started pretty mild with these nice swells about 1-1.5m high with a period around 11 seconds. So nice and calm that I could literally feel the ocean breathing underneath us and this is just such a powerful feeling as becoming one with the ocean.

For the people reading this, you should know I am the one with the least sailing experience on this ship and that’s why probably I feel the safest. I know everyone is there for me willing to back me up. Steering at the helm has been quite an adventure, feeling afraid, doubting myself, having confidence and being scared again. But all with all, it has been amazing, having Emily (our captain) and Mia (our mate) coaching me with this endless  patience and kindness. Or having dear Paolo or Vilgot behind my shoulder when I am at the helm like my guardian angels giving me emotional and technical support. And Mother Nature has been challenging me more and more after starting with baby steps. I laughed enormously a couple of nights ago when I just said, look, what a perfect sky full of stars, so calm and I went behind the helm.  All of a sudden this huge squall comes up, with wind knots from 30 to 34 knots. Mia, our mate, just stayed next to me, guiding me through every step of the way and not taking over the helm. It lasted quite a bit (it was probably minutes but for me it felt SO LONG!)  and then this impressive calmness and peaceful feeling came down the sky and I relaxed completely. 
I felt just like such a BIG GIRL stirring this GORGEOUS 65 feet racing sailboat just in the middle of a squall in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.   This must be one of the most empowering feelings I have ever felt. I am so thankful for it.  From that moment, I just feel this inner trust in me that I can stay calm and manage the challenge. Whenever it gets heavy, I go back to that moment. ;o)

It has been an enormous challenge, because everyone knows I am not a morning person and I need to put a spoon under my eyelids when I have the night shift between 2 and 6 and after 3-4 days I felt totally exhausted, asking myself why am I putting myself up to this. But somewhere between that tiredness and exhausting, somehow the Universe manages to amaze me again with these  amazing moon-rise, with dolphins or whales, with flying fish, with a total absolute impressive deep black sky, this huge squall with awful changing winds or this open sky full of stars looking down on me. I love these wonderful comforting feeling that some dear family members of mine are just watching and taking care of me from upon the stars feeling incredibly proud of me.  Just as much as I am proud of myself just for being here and living every moment of it.

@Mi cielo y mis amores: los amo con toda mi alma y mi corazón y los tengo aquí conmigo. ;o)
Cielo, porfis explícale a mi mamá y familia en México cómo pueden seguir este blog. ;o)

Arjan: Please tell my mother to read the blogs (and explain to her how to find them / read them :) )

 - Jeannette (A Mexican girl who fell in love 18 years ago with this incredible Dutch guy and has been living this wonderful adventure with him and my family ever since)


#2. las palmas to antigua| scott’s lifelong dream


#2. las palmas to antigua| Trade winds