#2. las palmas to antigua| whales

January 25, 2025, 13:45 UTC | Whales

Well yesterday’s crew delight was a sighting of numerous whales. I happened to be cooking dinner at the time and so my only experience of them was a photograph taken by Kevin. This was probably a good thing because upon seeing both their size and proximity, let’s just say I had a slightly different facial expression to that of the majority. I’ll let the team fill you in on the details.

Whilst we continue to make good speed towards Antigua, the wind angle has us making more north than we would ideally like and we have decided that Sunday seems like a nice day for a gybe. I suspect the new angle won’t be pleasing but it might be nice to experience the swell from a different angle for a while.

Both watches are now helming with confidence and it’s always gratifying to know you’ve passed the half way mark. The next milestone is when the remaining distance falls below 1000nm which should be by Tuesday morning.

For those anticipating our arrival window it’s still too soon to say and there may well be lighter winds at the back end of the passage.

There’s so much laughter and fun coming from the deck at all times, it’s really quite uplifting.

/ Emily


#2. las palmas to antigua| Trade winds


#2. las palmas to antigua| THE TEAM